Laura Bergus, Iowa City Councilor

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Laura Bergus Responds to the Iowa City Downtown District Questionnaire

Laura sat down with Karen Kubby, member of the board of directors, and Nancy Bird, executive director of the Iowa City Downtown District and provided written answers to the the ICDD’s questionnaire. Four strengths were ranked for council candidates. The ICDD does not endorse candidates.

“The thread I want to highlight as running through all the specific ideas and initiatives,” wrote Laura in her response regarding the ICDD’s advocacy, “is stated well in the introduction to Section 3.0, because I strongly believe downtown Iowa City must be ‘a place where people of all backgrounds and ages are drawn; a community where people feel welcome in an environment of mutual respect, in which they collaborate and make connections with one another; and where a shared community identity can flourish at the same time that differences and variety are valued.’ I think it’s implicit, but I want to be sure that people of all abilities are included in realizing this vision for downtown.”

You can read her full questionnaire here.