Laura Bergus Files for Iowa City Council Election

Laura Bergus officially filed nomination papers as an at-large candidate for city council in Iowa City today. 

Bergus spent this summer meeting more than 1,000 Iowa City voters, having conversations with a broad cross section of the community’s residents and voters in coffee shops, at farmers’ markets, at their doors, and in their homes.

“Meeting my neighbors from all over our community has been unequivocally positive. I’ve heard from so many people who, like me, love Iowa City, and want their city to do more for more people,” Bergus said. “With a city council that listens to its constituents, learns from experts, and acts to solve the problems we face, we can make Iowa City a better place for everyone. I’m excited for the opportunity to return to local public service.” 

On city council, Bergus wants to keep the focus on good governance, policy, and planning, not micromanaging.

Bergus believes Iowa City needs to continue to use innovative solutions to address the need for affordable housing, ensuring that a variety of housing is available as our community develops and redevelops. She believes Iowa City can move the needle on regional transportation with improved complete streets and diverse transportation options. Bergus says she knows Iowa City will keep growing, and that it is critical our growth is environmentally and economically sustainable.

Bergus will host a public meet-and-greet for voters to learn more about her and get involved with her campaign at Riverfront Crossings Park, 1101 S. Clinton Street in Iowa City, on Sunday, Sept. 8, from 2 to 4 p.m. 

NewsLaura Bergus